It’s not the end — did you count the ways?

We as a people have gone through straits that may be just as bad, if not entirely worse. But none of us would sign up to having a tough year — if there's one thing we all have in common, it's that we're here to have a good time. Unfortunately, life isn't that forgiving.

Dear ones in dire times.

Some might like to compare this pandemic with previous pandemics that occurred in the ‘20s of each century, but I’ve never been much for conspiracies. In any case, people die of disease and illnesses every day. It’s just that they happen amongst the many other difficulties life throws at us. Covid-19, though, is a beast of its own. Well, it’s a different breed of a specific specie of beast. So, it’s a mutant that we’re trying our damnedest to defeat this summer of 2020.

The New Roaring ‘20s.

Here we are, at the start of a new decade. I'm excited.

Yes, I am one of those people that believe a new year is a fresh start. I know it's an arbitrary date for an arbitrary calendar made by humans that lived generations ago, but I believe in so few arbitrary things already. Will you please let me have this?


This morning, I woke up early. One of those wake-ups that start with your brain thinking of awake things, but your eyes don’t really want to open yet and you’re somehow convinced that you’re dreaming, but why would your dreams be of dull, boring, soul-sucking things? So, I woke up, did my bathroom business, went back to bed, but then felt that “I think I’m gonna be productive this morning” things. It’s rare af, so carpe diem, no?